Helping teams change how they do things

Practical things you can do to help your team work together better.

planning Jamie Arnold planning Jamie Arnold

How to kick off a piece of work

Kick-offs set the tone and create the foundations for the work ahead. It’s worth putting the time and effort into getting them right. Here’s some tips for how to make them effective.

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Tips for doing good presentations
comms Giles Turnbull comms Giles Turnbull

Tips for doing good presentations

Most people find the idea of presenting to an audience intimidating, if not terrifying. There are some things you can do to help you feel more comfortable - and therefore a bit more relaxed - when you’re presenting. Here are some tips we’ve used before.

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Giles Turnbull Giles Turnbull

Understand each other’s skills and passions

Teams work better together when everyone in the team understands everyone else. The more you know about your colleagues’ skills and passions, the easier it is to collaborate with them; you know what they’re good at, and what motivates them. They know the same about you.

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comms Giles Turnbull comms Giles Turnbull

Writing for nervous writers

Some people find writing easy, but most people don't. Sometimes it feels like a chore. For a few people, it's intimidating at best - sometimes genuinely terrifying.

If you need to write something as part of your job, here are some practical tips to help make the task easier

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Tips for talking to other teams
Giles Turnbull Giles Turnbull

Tips for talking to other teams

It's really hard for teams to broadcast what they're doing to other teams. As a result, it's hard for people to know who to ask about certain problems - most of the time, they end up using the personal contacts they've already built up. "Do you know someone who can talk to be about X?" 

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